1, 2, 3 John & Jude Bible Study

The books of 1 Peter and 2 Peter are part of the New Testament in the Bible, and they are attributed to the Apostle Peter, one of Jesus' disciples. These letters are written to early Christian communities, offering guidance, encouragement, and practical advice in the face of various challenges and persecution.  Join us as Pastor Josh takes you on a deep dive into these books

Hearing God

 God spoke to the heroes of the faith—the ones we read about in the Bible. And we know He speaks to us through the Bible. But personally? Intimately? Today? Over the years, there has been so much misinformation and no small degree of confusion when it comes to hearing the voice of God, but let’s settle one thing right out of the gate. God speaks. Scripture refers to Jesus as the very Word of God. It’s who He is—and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! And if you have been trying to follow God without hearing His voice on a regular basis, you are missing out on a profound aspect of knowing Him.
The truth is God wants to speak to you even more than you want to hear from Him—and when you learn to hear His voice, it changes everything.

The Case for Easter

The Case for Easter invites participants to examine the evidence for themselves and consider whether the story of Jesus' resurrection makes sense. It will point them to the inescapable conclusion that led Lee from atheism to Christianity: Jesus was the Son of God who conquered the grave.